Only $9 and One Hour of Time
Better Market Research Means Better Content

Save time learning who your audience really is. Not who you think they are. This isn't a 6th grade science fair hypothesis. Learn how and where to get the information you need to make sales.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just know where to look for information about your ideal buyers? Find your buyers right now, instead of wasting time looking in all the wrong places.  

DIYing Market Research will take forever. You'll want to pull your hair out, and you won't end up with a fully researched ideal buyer workbook filled out and ready to follow. You'll still be searching for what to give your audience. And have no idea about SEO keywords that'll get their attention. 

When you could've downloaded this Market Research Guide + Workbook. You'll go from no idea what content to create, or how to get that content seen to a fully loaded Ideal Buyer Persona workbook that's backed by real research. With a solid start to your SEO Keyword strategy.

And it'll be done in less than time than it takes you to get your toddlers around in the morning. Because when you know where to look for market research information, the process is quick (even simple!).

With the Market Research Guide & Workbook, you'll be able to:

Finally know where to research to understand your audience

Find and keep track of keywords for SEO 

Complete an Ideal Buyer Persona Workbook in under an hour

Tweak, edit, and keep a file of your Ideal Buyer Persona to review anytime you need

Get ideas for how to continue your market research and tweak your strategy as your business grows

A workbook that's actually fillable, digitally. Because only a caveman still uses pen and paper.

And it's 100% affordable, even if you're a complete beginner who hasn't made a dime yet.

Follow the steps in the Guide + Fill out your workbook

Purchase your guide & workbook.

Receive an email with login instructions for your download.

You'll be prompted to make a copy. Click copy.

Follow the guide and fill out the workbook as you go. It's that simple.

...all for only $9.

And I'm not going to tell you that's less than a cup of coffee. Instead, I'll ask you this. Is $9 worth skipping the frustration of figuring out what content to create? What offers will sell and make actual money? 

Using the Market Research Guide makes it easy to understand your audience, even if you're a new online business owner or you've been around awhile -

In as little as one hour, you'll be able to fill out your Ideal Buyer Persona and know how to create content specific to your audience.

What you get with The Market Research Guide & Workbook

Step by step instructions for how to research your ideal buyers

Learn where to research and what information to record

A fillable workbook to look back at when needed

More market research ideas as your business grows

Get your Market Research Guide & Workbook today. You deserve to get more of your time back.

These are the same steps I've been using for over 13 years as a marketing professional in corporate helping many different industries.

"I swear I create content in half the time."

I finally know what to create for my audience. I swear I create content in half the time. And it's actually working! I don't even feel like I'm trying to sell.

Hannah M.
Happy Customer
"I actually have audience profiling words now."

I thought I was doing market research, but it was only demographics. Now, I have audience profiling words and write content like I'm reading their mind.

Candace C.
Happy Customer
"I was done in 45 minutes!"

I went through the entire guide and workbook, and I was done in 45 minutes! I couldn't believe how easy it was once I followed Jackie's guide. 

Michelle T.
Happy Customer

Hey, I'm Jackie!

I'm a graphic designer and SEO Content Marketing Strategist with over 13 years of experience helping businesses stand out online. And make sales with an easy-yes approach. That means we use your organic content to prime your audience, so by the time you present them with a paid offer they're already typing in their credit card info!

Questions you might be asking yourself right now...
  • Why is this only $9?
    I made this $9 because it's the most important step in your marketing and content strategy. Yet, it's the most skipped and least talked about step. So I made this $9, so price wouldn't be a reason for you to skip it.
  • Is Market Research really that important?
    YES! You'll go from Kristoff selling ice in a snow storm to the trading post with snow gear (so THE ONLY option for your audience - Must know the Frozen movies for that reference).

    When you learn what your audience wants based off of what they're saying online, you learn what offers to create next. And how to create words for your website, social media content, emails, videos, podcasts, etc. that connect with them instantly.

    Connection = Sales
  • I'm new to marketing. What if it's hard to follow?
    If you can fill out a form at the doctors office or school, you can fill this out.

    You'll get one download, and you follow the directions under each section. And you simply fill it out as you go. You don't have to print it out and write on it. You don't have to figure out how to fill out a pdf and make it editable. It's all ready to go. Just read the directions as you go. Complete the task, and fill out each section with the information it asks for. Once you're done, you can look back at it and use the information you collect to create your new offers and content.
  • How long will this take me?
    You could have this guide and workbook completed in an hour. And if it takes you longer the first time, don't worry you'll get faster each time you do this.

    And once you complete it once, you'll see how easy it is and how much it helps. And you'll want to review it on a regular basis. And I suggest that you do. It'll help you continuously create sales-inducing content.

Do Something for Yourself for a Change

Finally spend a little money on yourself. Because you deserve an easier way to create your marketing and content strategy, so you can get more sales with less effort. And you deserve to work with fewer frustrations and stress. Give your family back their stress-free and happy Mom. 

Finally feel in control of your business and your sales. 

Create content faster, with fewer frustrations.

Spend less time worrying about what to do next, and let your audience tell you what they want.

Know what you're doing is going to make a difference for your audience and your bank account.

Understand your audience and create better content

Save time figuring out what content to create. Stop wasting money on courses that teach tactics for a platform, but don't teach you how to actually learn more about your audience. It's the only thing you really need.  And you get it all in one guide and fillable workbook that takes about an hour to complete. 

  • Total payment
  • 1xMarket Research Guide & Workbook$9

All prices in USD

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